As a homeowner, there are certain skills which could come in handy quite often. One of these skills is being able to work with electricity. In a home’s electrical system, problems can occur quite frequently due to its constant usage. Some of these issues are major and may require professional inspection, but most problems can easily be sorted out at home with only basic knowledge of how the system works. Fortunately, electrical issues have lessened quite a bit through Google smart home devices, however, they can still occur.

In case of an electrical disaster, knowing how the network functions and what you need to do in certain situations can be life-saving. Although, regardless of your expertise, electrical work is always dangerous to do without professional supervision. The following guide may help you understand the dangers that come with electrical work, and precautions you have to take to avoid them.

Electrical work you can do at home

Simple electrical work can easily be done from home. Following the right precautions, you most likely won’t need any professional assistance doing these tasks.

Installing gadgets

Most smart gadgets are easy enough to install at home, without requiring any professional assistance. A lot of them come with clear instructions, following which can allow you to set up your smart home without paying any additional installation costs. This installation may require a few tweaks around your home, possibly with the electrical wiring, which is a simple enough task for those who have basic knowledge on the subject.

Fixing a fuse

You can certainly fix a fuse at home, provided you are following all precautions when working with electricity. The part of your home which has lost power should be completely disconnected from electricity before you begin the work. This is quite a common occurrence in most households, so you should expect having to fix a fuse at some point during your time as a homeowner. Just make sure you are careful enough not to overload the replacement fuse, since this amateur blunder can cost you extra time and money.

Repairing a fixture

Repairing a fixture is something every homeowner should know how to do. The first thing to do is always to ensure that no live wires are present in your working area. You can use a tester for this. You must pry up the tab on the fixture to restore contact with the bulb, and this can be done using a flat-blade screwdriver. It is important to know what the issue is first, since this will affect your working process. Check the sockets, wiring and the lightbulb itself before making any decisions and getting to work.

Wiring your home

No electrical work can be done at home unless you understand the function of each wire, how it works and what exactly its purpose is in the circuit. You can certainly wire your own home, but since this is a more large-scale project, you need to keep in mind that some damages may occur. For example, things such as the access to the walls have to be kept in mind.

Precautions to take

While the tasks may be basic, it is always important to follow these precautions to ensure no accidents occur as you work.

Turn off the breaker

The first thing to remember when working with electricity is to turn off the main power supply. By switching off the breaker, you ensure that you can work on your home’s electrical system without the fear of being electrocuted, or even causing any damage to the system itself. Taking this precaution is always a necessity, and is something you will see every trained electrician do as well.

Insulated clothing and tools

A good way to prevent any unforeseen accidents is by using insulated clothing. Insulated gloves and shoes will ensure that even in case of an accident, you will remain safe and will be able to work with ease. You may even be able to find an entire suit for a more advanced job. Tools for electrical work are available in different materials, but not all of them are as safe as you may think. Make sure you choose tools with handles that are completely resistant to electricity for maximum safety.

Everything must be dry

Any water around your working area may result in an electrical disaster. Make sure that everything from your tools to your clothing is perfectly dry, without even a hint of moisture. Any water or dampness in the area may result in you getting harmed. Especially when working outside with a conductive ladder, make sure the soil isn’t damp.

Use a tester

Make sure you are never working with a live wire. A tester is a device that tells you whether or not electricity is running through a particular wire. If the bulb lights up, you will know the wire is not safe to touch. Once you have tested and made sure the wire is neutral, only then should to proceed to work with it.


Electrical disasters are quite common, and in severe cases, can endanger lives. While working with electricity is a must-have skill, it is important to understand its risks and work accordingly, so that no harm comes to you or your valuables. When things get complicated or you get confused, remember to always consult an expert before proceeding, rather than experimenting on your own.